Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Dose of Terbaik Dari Langit

A lot has been said about the movie Terbaik Dari Langit. Reading the many reviews by the many different individuals, it was a joy. Great reviews, good reviews, so-so reviews and bad reviews. I even scroll the timeline just to read comments and feedbacks about the movie.

On a personal note, I truly love the movie. It touched me, it moved me, it left a mark on me. Pretty much explain why the movie was my last watched film of 2014, my first movie for 2015 and yeah it's also my second this year. 

The interesting part on all my visit to the cinema, I was accompanied by different people; family, friends, and colleague. I even travel to three different cinemas as cinema near me stopped showing it after the first week. One thing in common though, everytime the movie ends, we end up talking about the movie and we share our theory and our thoughts. We reflect back on yesteryears and we kind of plan what the next step would be.

The story is actually really simple if you put aside the UFO element. It's about friendship. That's it, from that point of view, the end. But the beauty of the movie is how the story of friendship evolves and slowly narrated one after another. The way the characters were introduced and the role that each of them potray through every scene from start till the end.

It also reminds you about inspiration, hope and dreams; what you want in life, how to achieve it, your value and principle. All that I have mentioned was greatly illustrated that it lingers on my mind as I'm writing this piece. 

The cafe scene when Berg explained to Ijam about his plan. The talk between Sofia Jane and Toyu once eveything starts to go haywire. That moment when Sara point out the real deal about Ijam to Zelda. The hug between Berg and his grandfather. Lastly, Berg last scene and his speech. I went through all kind of emotions.

In short, the movie made me think, it made me remember, it made me relive the memories when life was simple and nothing was in the way. That moment when you were in school and all that matter was your friends. The one who is there with you through thick and thin. The one you rely on, the one you made fun of, the one you love the hate, the optimist, and the one that keep it all together. Each one of these character exist in each of our lives.

Before I end this write-up, here's a little note. 

The movie is not perfect, but then what is perfect anyway right? It has it flaws but that’s what makes it a great piece. There’s always room to improve and to explore. I’m sure the team will work on that in the upcoming project.

I would like to thank the entire team and crew. For the laugh, for the joy, for the tears, for the love, for the smile, for making me remember, for making me reflect, and for all that I’ve felt and continue to feel throughout Terbaik Dari Langit. 
It is my deepest desire for everyone in the team to continue doing what you do best. Keep this kind of movie coming and keep the industry alive with fresh and brilliant, big ideas. At every step, you have my utmost support.
You guys are awesome.

Please don’t forget that, for I will not forget all of you.

Much love,

P.s: This is solely my personal opinion and how I feel about the movie. You may have an opinion of your own and it may differs but then its yours. 😊