Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I have been dying to write on this for quite sometime.
For the very first time, I stumble upon a title for my post. 
I have not the slightest clue what it should be. 
All that I know is I am beyond thrilled for this. 

Of all the thing in this world, there's one that I have been trying to avoid. 
Those closest to me would have known this for more than a couple of years.
And those who just got to know me will raise an eyebrow every time I speak on the issue. 

What's the thing that I've been avoiding?
The feeling of falling for someone. 
Huh...lame ain't it?
I do feel that way too.
But then I realized, it is that feeling that sometimes exhibit the most human side of one. 
The part that shouts "You are a human ain't a robot." "You have a heart and it functions well."
Trust me the monologue could go on and on...I better stop. 

So what's up with that now?
Aha...the story shall begins...

Spending most of the time avoiding the feeling makes the heart forgets what it feels to fall again. 
In my case I really don't remember what it feels falling for someone.
I was so comfortable in my skin that my heart's alert system kept going haywire.
It was until some people mentioning it to me that I was finally dragged back to reality. 

However, when I came to my senses, I realized that the feelings have changed. 
Or it may be me who changed the most... 
I am no longer a teenager; the giddy, smitten part of me is now long gone. 
I'm now in my early 20's; the more mature side of me has unleashed. 
Falling for someone is no longer falling in love as it used to be way back then. 
There's more to it. 

At this very moment, there is a particular someone that I'm into. 
Someone that without him realizing brings out the best in me. 
Making me smile for no specific reason. 
Someone that eases me even in the most hectic time in life.  
Making me cherish life a bit more.
Someone that makes you wanna be a better person.
Making me wants to go the extra mile. 

I consider myself lucky to have met this person.
Not only because of what I'm feeling towards him.
It is more of the feelings that I have for myself.
And the exploding desire of getting close to the Almighty.

It is amazing to me that through all this I manage to get the better me. 
There are no words that could really describe the feeling inside. 
All that I kept uttering from day one is words of thankful and I am definitely blessed.
Of that I am sure...

I'm in a state where there's no high hopes of developing a relationship.
I am no longer fond of throwing myself into one.
There's more to life than just that. 

We are friends and may we forever be. 
As the future is not for any of us to foresee, I may stay hopeful.
But for most of the part, I leave it to the Almighty.
For he knows what's best for each one of us. 


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