Thursday, June 27, 2013

Embrace every moment...

Finally, I manage to get some time to update this blog of mine. 
As cliche as it sounds, a lot has been happening in life. 
Some major transformation, some normal routine and some amazing new find outs.
Life couldn't be much better than where it is currently at. 

I am currently undergoing my INTEC that is Intensive English Course that is conducted by British Council. 
At first I didn't really have a clue why we must undergo INTEC.
After almost 2 weeks of classes, I seem to get the rationale behind it. 
Trust me, language is more than just speaking and writing. 
There's so much more to it. 
And boy was I lucky to be here. 
My classmates are so lively and upbeat. 
Seeing them instantly brought the smile to my face.

Another thing that I am more than happy to share is the fact that they appreciate my music. 
Well, I may not be a professional composer or anything but I do write songs and I can sing. 
I usually keep it to myself. 
However on one fine evening, I was triggered by a competition that was to be held among all participants. 
A talent show. 
And they might need representative from every class. 
So I started to sing to myself and puuffff! 
The whole class know I can sing. 
I even sang in front of everyone after class.
Still can't believe I survived that. 
Oh ya, I created a song for the organisation as well. 
Not sure if it will be of any use, but I'm proud of my piece of music. 

In terms of professional life, I believe it is heading the right way. 
The path is laid out perfectly for me to take charge of. 
I am hopeful of whatever the future holds. 
And I am ready to embark this journey towards a better tomorrow. 

On the other hand, personal life is continuing to be stagnant. 
I'm enjoying this phase of life without the hassle of having to divert attention all over. 
I'm no longer in my comfort zone but I am comfortable.
I believe I am able to achieve my dreams. 
So now let the journey begins. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Piece of truth...

My life seems to be at its best right now.
The opportunities that I have gotten is always a blessing I am forever thankful for.
Currently, I am in a training program; it's purpose is to equipped me with all the essentials I need.
I am really stepping into the real world now.
The so called working world. 

It is exactly a week ago that I decided to have a go at this.
I will not elaborate much on what the program is all about. 
From time to time, I will be updating on that I believe. 
So what will I be talking about now?
I am in the mood to talk about things that I came to realize from the talks that have been conducted in conjunction with the program I am undergoing now. 

Yesterday, the last session of the day was a talk about the Y Generation. 
Yes, some may recall that I have once written a post related to this issue. 
This time around, I am solely focusing on my generation; Generation Y.

A speaker was invited to talk us through the things we need to know about our generation. 
Fair enough to say that we are all well aware of what we are and how we conduct ourselves. 
But even when you think you know it all, you're not quite there yet. 
There will always be that little something that you missed out along the way. 
And that is what the talk provides me with; filling all the missing blanks. 

As an individual that is among the Y Gen, I have to admit that we are ambitious. 
At times too ambitious that we tend to be more vocal than practical. 
Many may not admit to this, but it really is. 
Ever heard of threats to leave the house, abandoned studies and etc. but then there you are still?
So there you go. 
It may not apply to all cases, but the mass is really just about the talks but never walk the talk. 

Another thing that I came to realize from yesterday's session was the fact that the views of generations earlier than the Gen Y seems to be so true rather than a misconception. 
We are the more flexible and adaptable to change than them. 
But we are also more laid-back and often take things lightly.
In other words we are not serious most of the times and that poses threat to oneself. 
We are at a positive altitude and negative altitude all at the same time. 
Truth is, we are not a born champion at balancing stuffs all the time. 
Many fail abruptly. 

The talk highlighted the strength of the Gen Y wholly. 
It also enlightened the weaknesses of the generation in depth as well. 
As hard as it is to accept all that, the truth speaks louder than anything else. 
I was open on anything that was to be thrown at me. 
I admit that Gen Y are not the best generation of all. 
We are at an advantage, but we need to be smart in taking up the challenges. 
We are smart, but we need to also stay grounded. 
Never ever feel content with where we are and what we are. 

Just bear this in mind, cloud nine is never to be our rightful place.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The irony and typical...

Often in life we came across a lot of things.
Some are new to us and some are so yesterday.
Being an observer of peoples' attitude, often than not surprises you.
Personally, I am no longer that surprised as I used to be previously.
As time passes by, you just get used to whatever that happens; the good, the bad, the beauty, the ugly.
You name it, everything flashes like a movie.

Just recently I indulged in a new book.
A book that I have kept my eye on for quite sometime.
Luckily, my aunt was kind enough to treat me and bought me the book.

Back to reality.
What is it about the book that makes me all hyped about it?
Firstly, it is a book of religious scenarios that offers a different point of view.
Closely related to my interest, it offers something that I have never encountered before.
The level of telling it straight just leaves a mark on me upon reading it.
In many ways it is such a truthful book and no one shall deny the fact.
I am not yet done reading the whole book.
But slowly I try to get the piece of truth by purely observing.

So that is what I did.
In seeking the truth, I am a step closer to the real deal.
It started out unintentionally; no plans, nothing.
I guessed it is true; it is only a matter of time before the truth is out.

Being in a new place, new environment often makes you want to explore everything.
Searching for the place to hang out, a place that provide peace and a place with good food.
Having done that, I found the peace place.
Literally, the place provides me a little breather.
It eases me whenever I am there.
Until the day I heard of a preaching session.

Before I begin elaborating on this, I have to make clear of a few things.
I am a believer of my religion.
I have nothing against those who are dedicated in preaching to others.
And I am certainly not any better than anyone.
All I am about to say it just my humble opinion and I am certainly not judging.

Here goes...
As I mentioned above, I am a believer of my religion and that is something very important to me.
Being a muslim, you're not just a muslim by name.
There's more to it than just the surface.
You practice what you believe, you portray what you believe and you are what you believe.
It's an easy concept and when you truly believe it really is that easy.

Having said all that in the above, I have great respect for those who dedicate their life to preach.
It is not a duty that fits everyone perfectly, but those who are doing it usually are meant to do so. Therefore, whenever I am available to tag along, I will be there and listen attentively.
One never stop learning is what I always holds dearly deep inside.
However this time around the preaching sessions jolts me.
It is something about the way it is being delivered that creates an uneasy feeling to me.
It brings me all the way back to the book that I have been reading.

Living in a country where everything is accustomed and seldom been questioned seems to take its toll.
I realized that over the years; due to the term accustomed, it has sparked a slight negativity to a group of people who often feels that they are above the law or regulatory that apply to the mass.
Just because there are looked upon as the one who people seek for advice and etc. they tend to have let everything goes to the head and rationale is no longer lingering at the back of their minds.
They do as they please, speak as they wish and they preach what and how they want instead of what and how they should.
You get what I mean right?

The author of the book clearly addressed this issue in his book.
Encountering it at four eyes meet was something I did not expect but am thankful to have been.
I feel sorry for the individual who was the one with all that I've said in the previous para.
It hurts me even more to admit that it really does happen; more often than what I am aware of.
When those who should be the fore fronts representing the religion act as such, what else is there to say?
You can't simply criticized them due to their 'rank' or 'social status'.
You are in a situation with no right of telling them what they're doing wrongly.
You are incapable of anything.

I may not be such a pious believer.
I am aware that I'm not 100% as what I am required to be.
Adding to that, I have always known that for a fact.
But then, just because you feel that you are pious don't make you any better.
What you feel and what you are, are two very different things.
Being pious do not possess you the right to condemned others.
And it certainly gives you no right to judge others as you may.

I have always been taught to never judge a book by its cover.
I believe that behind every man there is always a piece of goodness.
Behind every dark soul is always a pure heart that went out of track.
That is what my religion taught me.
Therefore, who are you to deny that of what I learn from the Holy Quran?
The Prophet himself is always humble and never a judge.

What I am trying to convey here is, just because you are regarded as such in the eye of the society doesn't really reflects the real you in the eye of Allah.
You may think highly of yourself but in reality you are never any better than any of those who you condemned or criticized.
Be reasonable upon preaching.
There is no need to used such vulgar or rude words referring to those who are not on the same page as you are.
Let them be who they are, it is a matter of them and the Almighty.

To remind another is not wrong, as long as the way of delivering is not harsh and in a mannerly way.
It is never easy to influence people to do good.

So why make it even more difficult by chasing them away even further with unethical words and methods?