Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Iron Lady

I have been eager to write on this for a long time.
However time constraint always gets the best of me. 
So now, here we go...

Along the years of my life, there has been a handful of people that will always have a special place in my heart. 
This very few people are those closest to me. 
Though they are close, I rarely utter words of appreciation to them.
Some may say that I seem to be taking them for granted. 
As for myself, I go about it in a whole new direction.

The individual that I will be talking about may already be known to many. 
Especially if you are one of those who is always by my side through the ups and downs. 
I often talk about her despite the love-hate relationship that we had since the very beginning. 

In previous post I have confessed on the fact that I am daddy's little girl. 
But I forgot to mention that I am also mama's little rock; her precious gem.
On this post, I will elaborate more on the matter. 

In the early days, I was troublesome. 
Looking back, I am always throwing tantrums that mama finds it hard to manage. 
Aside from that, I always have this feeling - I am the second fiddle. 
Be better and what not, I will always find myself being compared to how great my brother is.
I believe I still feel this up till this very moment.

If given a chance to reconstruct the past, there's one thing I would like to change. 
The fact that sometimes I was just too rebellious. 
I believe I have hurt mama in many ways when I was little.

I was the one who made her angry and she will not speak to me for some time.
I was the one who made her cry and went to bed in tears. 
I was also the one who dragged her back home from office just because I refused to go to school. 
I was beyond her control. 

But it was not known to her or anybody how awful I felt after all that. 
How I would stand by the side of her bed just to ensure she sleeps safe and sound.
How I would then grab a book and pour my heart out on how foolish and sinful I was. 
How I would jump on my bed, grab a pillow and shout wholeheartedly of my dumb acts. 
I was never brave enough to face it most of the time. 

Having said all that, I am thankful for the chance that was given to me this very day. 
At the age of 23, my mama is my best friend. 
She is the person I spent most of my hours with.
We travel to work together.
We hop on the lrt together. 
We go home together. 
We shop together. 
We dine together. 
We cook together.
We make fun of each other. 
We do everything together. 

The time spent together may not be enough to repay everything that she has done for me all these years. 
Never will it be enough for me to reciprocate how she functions on a daily basis. 
A working mom, raising 4 children and attending every important function and report cards day of each. 
She too cooks daily even when she was travelling Seremban-Kuala Lumpur everyday.
What more can I ask of her? 

For everything that I am today, it is because of this Iron Lady. 
Moulding me in the right way, the best way she know how. 
I will forever be in debt to her. 

I love you Mama. 
I always will. 

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