Monday, August 5, 2013

My Ramadhan

It is unbelievable that Ramadhan will be over soon.
Feels like it was only yesterday the first week of Ramadhan begins.
I have to say that this year Ramadhan has been the highlight of my life.
The whole month is just so special to me that I find it hard to describe with words. 
Nevertheless, here I am writing about this whole month. 

Time to head to office...

I have never find it difficult to fast. 
I always find myself prepared for the holy month as I often opt to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. 
It is always a good practice to really get yourself used to it when the time comes. 
This year around, it was something more than just fasting. 
It really test me in every aspects that it should. 

It is so early...

I am travelling daily; Seremban-Kuala Lumpur.
That is something totally new to me. 
I found myself needing some time to adjust to that. 
In the beginning I sigh a lot and wished that I won't have to endure it.
But after a week, I was all fine with it.
I anticipated it every day and I look forward to the journey. 
In addition to that, I was never late to the office. 
Despite the change in the office hour operation starting at 8.15 am compared to 9.00 am previously. 
I managed to work things out with the will of Allah. 
Alhamdulillah for that. 

Next was the constant backlash with traffic jams. 
As mentioned before, the travelling part needs me to pass through Sg Besi toll every working days. 
Yup, now the imagination is in action?
Visions of the massive traffic has got to be the worst part of every day. 
Being me that I am, I am grumpy at times. 
I don't like to be late and I am very particular with time. 
If it is possible, I would like to be there before the traffic begins to accumulate. 
However that is not the case for me. 
I will have to wait for mum to get all ready before the journey could begin. 
So that is another area that I found myself adjusting most of the time.
I need to be more patient, less cranky and calm all the time. 
Difficult it is, trust me. 

Upon reaching the office, it is a whole different story. 
I find myself all charged up, alive and jumpy. 
Some colleagues even say that I am perky at times.
While others find it hard to stay awake, I was never asleep in class.
That is the one thing that I always have difficulty in committing. 
Other than that, my attention span is much longer than average.
And I still manage to multitask; playing handphone and listening to lecture most of the time. 
Yay for that.

Sleeping but not in class

One of my many selfie. 

Another thing that I would really like to highlight in this post is my group of friends. 
To be more precise, my non-muslim friends at the office.
They have been the best part of my life for the past 2 months or so. 
Since the very beginning, I have never expected them to be the way they are. 
During this holy month, they try so hard to not even drink in front of us. 
Even if they have to, they will always apologize first before they proceed drinking or eating. 
Honestly, I don't really have a problem with that. 
But the level of respect they have for us that are fasting is really at a level I've never encountered before. 
They even decided to try and fast for a day and join us for 'buka puasa'.
That was one of the day where I just want to hug each and everyone of them. 
If may, I might have even give them a peck on the cheek for being uber awesome and sweet.
The fact that they want to try and manage to achieve it was one that will always stays in the mind and the heart.

My Londoners mate.

This is just the way they are.

You'll be crazy not to love them.

Love you guys a lot!

They made it. They fast for a day.

Other than that, I also manage to spend some time to 'buka puasa' with my ex-colleague. 
That is another part that I really enjoyed. 
We communicate most of the time through Whatsapp. 
So it was really fun to meet up and have real conversations; face-to-face encounter, rather than just through the screen of the phone. 
I even manage to pull some surprises for one of them as it happens to collide with the birthday. 
Birthday surprises have always been my forte back in college.
I was more than happy that I manage to get back to my creative side and pulled off yet another surprise. 
It was even more meaningful when the surprise really surprised the one that is being surprised. 
Hahaha ok ignore the above sentence. 
Having said that, there is another surprise heading their way for the festive season.
I guess I'll have to wait for the time to come before I bragged all about it.

Kak Ros and me.

Buka Puasa Green Gang 1.0

The surprise!

I believe this post is the longest post I have written.
We are almost at the end now. 
Just bear with me a little more. 

In terms of spiritually, this Ramadhan is the most humble of any. 
Believe it or not, I have not even once go to Bazaar Ramadhan this year. 
Yes, that is a piece of truth that I find really amazing. 
How could one not been to bazaar when it is at almost every corner?
I have no answer for that though. 
My daily meal is usually what mom and me cooks whenever we arrived home. 
Simple dishes that takes less than 30minutes to be prepared as we often reach home at 6.30pm.
This is also the first Ramadhan that I am always in the kitchen.
I have cooked for 'buka puasa' and 'sahur' as well.
The feeling when you cook for the whole family is just so special. 
I enjoy every moment of it. 
And I believe that when I have a family of my own, I won't have any issues to do the same. 
A little bit of digression there, my bad.

Mum's the chef, I'm the assistant

By me, for me. Yummy.

Last point would be that I manage to create my own greeting cards for Hari Raya. 
It may be very simple but it is really something that comes from the heart.
I was so into making the card that mum always wondering if I will really hand it out to people. 
And yes I managed to pass it to those I intended to give the card to. 

Hand-made cards.

Special delivery.

I guess that pretty much covers everything. 
That is My Ramadhan experiences this time around. 
As it is coming to an end, I will definitely miss it once it is over. 
May I still be around for the coming Ramadhan.
If Allah wills it, InsyaAllah. 

The One and Only. 

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