Friday, February 8, 2013

Soft spot at heart.

Lately the world has been changing rapidly.
Along the way attitude changes big time.
You know when the moms' start talking this way...
"In the old days..."
And the next thing you know it goes on and on.

Hearing a lot of that really gives you the feeling.
"Oh yeah, everything changes now."
I may not have to go back as far as the 50's or 60's.
But back in the 90's, compared to now is still a lot of difference.

When I was little, I don't recall of any kidnappings or robberies of the scale we have now. 
Now, daily life is as similar as it could be in movies. 
Whatever that was once an imagination interpreted on the big screen is as real as what life can reciprocate.
Scary? Hell yeah.

Upon seeing all that on the front pages I wonder. 
What triggers that to happen?
What is the catalyst behind all that?
Could it be just pure evil or there's more to it than the eye could see?

It is debatable that attitude is what drives us all.
Could it really be that people rather be ignorant than caring of another being?

At times, I do agree with the idea that people are more fond of their life than others.
They no longer indulge in togetherness that once was an everyday sight.
We can't deny the fact that this kind of attitude do leave a stain to all mentioned above.
But to say that it has taken complete toll on us seems to be insensitive. 

I was out a little while ago for some groceries shopping.
I seldom do it on my own without my mom.
Honestly, I was a little scared and insecure to be there by myself.
But then, something happened.

The guy at the cashier greeted me and ask me, am I local?
In other words, do I live in the neighbourhood?
He was not familiar with my face and therefore he was curious. 
To some, they may get annoyed by this act.
As for me, I realized that people still care.
And the neighbourhood that I'm in still possess the trait that was once thought as long gone. 

When an act of such being potrayed you can sense the truthfulness.
Everybody has instinct that functions accordingly to how we want them to. 
Get connected to that part of you and the world will be a better place.
You don't need to commit heroic stunts to have your name on it. 
It's the small changes that makes huge impacts. 

I believe the world is still good; ib every human being there's goodness still. 

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