Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Last words

It was a normal day to begin with.
Sitting on the couch and surfing through every channel.
Shortly after, I decided to watch How I Met Your Mother.
I’m not the typical type that clings to the show wholeheartedly.
But when I come to my senses, I’m into it as much as my other siblings are
Crazy and drooling over the show; we laugh our ass off.

The episode that was aired was when Marshall lost his dad.
He missed a call from his dad and he left him a message.
The fact that his dad has passed away put him in a dilemma; to acknowledge or ignore the message.
After a lot of talking and thinking, he finally decides to listen to the message.
It was the last words of his father to him personally.

When the time comes for him to listen, all of his best friends were there.
As always, they will always have each other.
He soon realizes that the message left was actually a pocket dial.
His dad accidentally pocket dialled him.
While he was elaborating on how he felt, the message was on loud speaker.
He was all disappointed that it was pocket dialled but still cherished his dad and the memories he have on him.

He keeps on talking and talking when suddenly he heard his dad voice on the message.
His dad was making fun on how his pocket sounded; it was nearly 5 minute.
And later, his dad says I love you.
Everyone was all teary and felt happy for him.
Though the real deal, his dad did say some other things after that, it doesn’t matter.
It was closely followed by a scene where every one of the cast made a call to their parents.
Marshall himself confessed that if it were to be the last time there were to be together, he wants all of them to know that he truly loves each and every one of them; Lily, Robin, Ted and Barney.

That very scene makes me a little teary.
And it made me fall into a deep silent moment.
If today were to be my last moment on Earth, what will my last words be to those who matters.
I never thought of it seriously, but the episode of HIMYM dropped the bomb on me.

I am still thinking as I am writing this post.
Who do I want to speak to knowing that my time is almost up?
I might be giving in on all of those who are in my head right now.
Who knows my time is just around the corner aye?

A lot of people come flashing into my mind.
Those who were there, was there and will be there.
So many people to thank, to love, to remember and to cherish.
So many things to say, to forgive, to see and to confess.
How will one manage to cover all that with the short time given.

Personally, I do feel the importance of last words whatever it may be.
Whatever that comes out at the very last second is what reflects us the most.
You’ll be remembered for that.
Trust me.

Here goes...
Those who I will be bothering with my last words.
Those who I will be talking to before everything ends.

To my mum and dad; Mama and Baba: Thank you for all the years spent raising me and fulfilling my every need. Though at times I am just inconsolable and irritating, you guys are always there and remain to be there for me. Through every falls, you guys never get tired to pick me up. And through every triumphs, you are the proudest you can be. I may not say this as often as I should, I love you guys. Always love you guys. Forever will love you both. And please forgive all my wrongdoings all these years.

To my siblings; Karami, Harizah and Khalif: Personally we fight a lot. We are always neck-to-neck with one another. We get bitter for silly stuff. And we truly get on each other nerves a lot. Beyond all that, deep down, I know life will never be the same without you guys. The joy and laughter that we share will forever remains dear to my heart. I miss you guys when we are apart but am just too egoist to admit the fact. Thanks for all the time spent. Thanks for always mending things and thanks for loving me through the good and the bad.

To my best friends; Aysha, Nysa and Dyba: It is still clear to me the day that we first became friends. From the childhood days to the adult years. We have been through many ups and downs. We are often separated by distance. But deep down, I always feel connected to each one of you. To me you are not just my best friends, you are my soul sisters. Even we seldom talks, I think of each of you every second of everyday. And forever I will love each one of you. Thanks for the friendships and memories that we continue to build day to day. Stay being the way you are, because to me you guys are the finest and greatest treasure that I own other than my family.  

To my first love; Faiez: What can I say? I have known you nearly half of my life. From the age of 12 up till now. The first person that taught me what it means to love. And the person that taught me a lot on life and the challenges. The person that accepted me for who I am. The person that was with me all the way until it ends. Was still there through it all even though the relationship ended. I will forever love and care about you. No matter how irritating or annoying or hurtful words you say to me, I will always care. Thank you for everything. And I’m sorry for everything that did not turn out to be. I hope you can promise me one thing, that you’ll be happy always. Please. I beg.

So there I’ve said it.
At the moment, these are the persons that are in my mind constantly.
Some due to love and care, some due to mistakes and failures.
I may not change a single thing that has happened in my life.
But some things I do wish to be in better state.

If today were to be my last, to those listed, I love you.
I truly do.
And nothing can ever change the way I feel about each one of you. 

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